Download bacula for x86_64 and PPC64le!
Welcome to the download site for bacula backup. You can download RPM packages for for SUSE SLES (x86_64, ppc64le) and RHEL 8 (ppc64le).
Although all of the packages are tested before distribution, they are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind
Bacula 13.0.1 for SLES 15 (x86_64 und ppc64le)Packages are available for SUSE SLES 15.3 / openSUSE leap 15.3 All packages and Repositories are digitally signed. To be able to use the key please add the public key to your package manager rpm --import Load the repo file and store ist in the repos directory (SUSE): Manual DownloadYou can download and install individual packages directly from the online Repository . |
Bacula 13.0.1 f0r RHEL 8 (ppc64le)Packages are available for RHEL8 / CentOS 8. All packages and repositories are digitally signed. To be able to use the key please add the public key to your package manager rpm --import Load the repo file and store it in the repos directory: Manual DownloadYou can download individual RPM packages directly from the online Repository . |